A clinic in your pocket


Mobile apps for dentists are becoming increasingly popular, helping to improve efficiency and make everyday tasks easier. In this review, we have selected the most popular and useful ones – for both doctor and patient.

To begin with, dental mobile apps can be divided into 3 types:

1 COMMUNICATION (patient-centred)

2 REFERENCE-CONSULTATION (having an information base of specialised literature)

3 ORGANISATIONAL (aimed at administering the activities of the dental clinic)


Communication apps help to clearly show the patient how and what needs to be treated. Good because with them, the doctor doesn’t have to explain on their fingers where to drill, what to remove and how much to fill. All issues of orthopaedics, endodontics, orthodontics and prophylaxis are reflected in realistic videos and models.

Dental Plan Pro

Dental Plan Pro is an effective tool for creating financial calculations of dental work and quality doctor-patient communication.


Time Saving. In just 60 seconds, a doctor can create a customised treatment plan, specify the cost of the service and visualise a patient outcome that shows what the patient is paying for.

Detailed price list. The doctor makes his or her own list of services with prices, which allows prices to be automatically quoted when making an estimate.

Mobility. Using the application, you can share the finished estimate via any resource (messenger, mail, file sharing, etc.).

Effective Communication. The patient will now have a clear understanding of how their treatment plan will go and the upcoming cost for each procedure.

Confidentiality. The app is not cloud-based, all calculations are stored on your phone and are not available to third parties.

VIT Avatar

A multi-application that combines all the necessary functions for patient self-diagnosis, as well as the ability to communicate with the doctor and receive reference information on each stage of treatment.


The solution of dental tasks is tracked with a progress bar divided into several stages: consultation, diagnosis, drawing up a treatment plan, treatment and other stages, the number of which depends on the goal.

Each stage of treatment offers helpful articles, answers to popular questions, and personalised advice. By undergoing annual preventive check-ups and taking CT scans and X-rays, the user can monitor the condition of the teeth with the help of artificial intelligence, which analyses the diagnostic results and displays all changes on the patient’s dental formula and signals possible problems that require treatment. Thanks to the AR-constructor function, the user can shape and colour the desired shape and colour of the teeth themselves. The app will analyse the smile from the photo and provide a mock-up of the upper or lower jaw to edit each individual tooth. You can book an appointment with the right specialist and have an appointment online through chat rooms and video calls with the doctor.

– According to Forbes, aesthetic dental services will account for about 75% of the total market by 2024, the most popular of which are: tooth restoration, whitening and veneers. With this in mind, we developed the concept of the app of the future – to monitor, track treatment progress and educate on the care and maintenance of dental health

In cases where the treatment process extends over a long period of time, such as bite changes with braces or eliners, the stages of treatment can be monitored using an interactive 3D model of the jaw, made personally for each patient. On it you can observe the correction scenario of the bite change and note whether the condition of the patient’s teeth corresponds to the planned scenario, as well as see the final result of the alignment work.


Such applications form a knowledge base, facilitate the work of viewing and analysing images. Facilitate consultation with colleagues, make it easier to find indications and dosages, and compare materials. Among the most popular, we note “Russian Dentistry” by Media Sfera Publishing House.


An app for doctors that contains an electronic dental appointment log for patients


Such administrative applications help in managing a doctor’s clinic or private practice. They generate electronic schedules, maintain online enrolment and customer database, record payments and arrears, control availability of materials, equipment maintenance timelines, and so on.


  • Contains electronic medical history, CRM manager for patients with SMS function and reminders, accounting (price list), statistics of earned money from patient treatment.
  • You can create a list of patients with their personal details, anamnesis, epicrisis and medical history.
  • You can design your own dental procedures with their costs. You can set up a reminder system for patient appointments.

– Almost every self-respecting medical organisation has a mobile version of its website, allowing you to book an appointment or check out promotions. But we have yet to see the full-fledged implementation of mobile apps in dentistry and the daily lives of patients. I consider the most important functions for a dental clinic mobile app to be integration with MIS (Infoklinik, Medialog, etc.), video consultations or chats with the doctor, synchronisation with apps to assess the level of daily hygiene, reminders of scheduled appointments and visualisation of possible treatment results or the consequences of the lack thereof.


A mobile app with functionality for patients, doctors and dental managers.


For the patient, there is a list of scheduled doctor’s appointments where you can see information about date, time, branch, doctor, and the amount spent and future amount by treatment plan. In the section for the doctor, you can track the salary received, percentage of plan completion and schedule for the month, view the work schedule for the day with information about the patient, time and type of appointment. Visualisation of the treatment plan with a dental formula showing the current state of the patient’s teeth and the outcome planned at the end of treatment. The formula details all work done to the tooth: braces, posts, tooth extractions, canal fillings, etc.

Storage of all diagnostic results: X-rays, CT and photo reports, etc

In the section for managers you can track consumables in the warehouse, monitor the workload of the call centre and the performance of tasks by employees, track the implementation of the plan and the effectiveness of advertising sources, know which employees are on time and which are late. Monitor the number of clinic appointments on a daily basis.