R.O.C.S. is the #1 selling brand of toothpaste in pharmacies nationwide


According to the data of the monthly retail audit of the pharmaceutical market in Russia, conducted by DSM Group for 2024, the domestic brand R.O.C.S. took the first place in terms of sales in pharmacies in Russia in the category “Toothpastes”.

The national pharmaceutical rating is organized in order to sum up the performance of the pharmaceutical industry for the year and determine the leaders in terms of sales in Russia. The rating is organized by the Russian marketing agency DSM Group.

DSM Group: “Each year, waiting for the results of the rating is accompanied by pleasant excitement for us, because they reflect the current state of the pharmaceutical market in Russia. We are proud that it is the Russian toothpaste brand that still maintains its positions in the industry for several years in a row.”

The R.O.C.S. team would like to thank customers and friends of the brand for choosing the best for themselves and their loved ones.