From June 7 to 11 the capital hosted one of the most anticipated cultural events of the summer — VIVARTE VIII International Chamber Music Festival, which by tradition was held at the Tretyakov Gallery.
World famous cellist Boris Andrianov, Iveta and Tamaz Manasherovs’ U-ART: You and Art cultural and charitable foundation together with the Tretyakov Gallery team with the support of UNIDENT group of companies and ROCS brand created a unique concert program, which in many ways resembles the exhibition «Seeing the Unknown. Painting and Sculpture of the XVII-XXI centuries from the Tretyakov Gallery’s collections», held in the halls of the New Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val.

Most of the works included in the exhibition project are kept in the museum’s holdings: they cannot be found in the halls of the main exhibition, they are not often part of the exhibitions, and some were shown for the first time. Several works were presented to the guests of the VIVARTE festival before the beginning of the concert programs with the commentary of the leading employees of the State Tretyakov Gallery.
The basis of the opening concert program consisted of works that can be called musical offerings — whether they are dedications to outstanding cultural figures of the past or creative messages to the successors. The second program, composed primarily of musical rarities of the 19th and 20th centuries, could be called «Hear the Unknown» by analogy with the title of the exhibition. The third evening in the Vrubel Hall was devoted to the music of French composers — the great harpsichordists of the early classical era and authors who created at the height of musical romanticism.

The festival ended with the traditional «musical promenade» between the buildings of the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane and Krymsky Val. Along the way, festival art director Boris Andrianov and his colleagues gave several impromptu concerts (the first three were public concerts). This idea echoes, on the one hand, the promenade concerts in European parks that allow you to listen to music and stroll around at the same time. Another association is Mussorgsky’s famous cycle of plays, Pictures at an Exhibition (where the refrain is a piece titled «Promenade,» which depicts a visitor to a vernissage moving from one painting to another) and his stage life as one of the best examples in history of the interaction of the arts.
For the first time in the history of VIVARTE in the festival program included an event for children (literary and musical fairy tale «Zoosuite»), and also for the first time — at the finish line of the «Musical promenade» — there were performed arrangements of classical masterpieces for jazz trio and Argentine tango.
*Detailed festival program:
- Festival organizers: U-Art: You and Art foundation together with the Tretyakov Gallery
- Art director: Boris Andrianov
- Festival President: Iveta Manasherova