The entire range of Anthos units, Cefla Dental Group is the leading the leading Italian manufacturer of dental units in stock.
For more than 60 years, versatile solutions, modern practical design, excellent service and close collaboration with dental professionals have made Anthos a global brand.
All models in the A and L classes are conceived to provide dentists with superior performance and countless opportunities to customize the dental unit to personal preferences. UNIDENT is the largest official distributor of
the Anthos brand and provides full technical support for customers.
You can place an order:
with the head of the sales department, Anthony Manasherov by phone: +7 962 983 92 71
e-mail: e.manasherov@unident.net
with Alexey Denisov, Deputy Head of Sales Department.
by phone: +7 968 407 88 45
e-mail: a.denisov@unident.net
or at the online store www.unidentshop.ruwww.unidentshop.ru